It’s not about achieving the impossible “0” accidents, it’s about “0” risk behaviours

Though the importance of Health and Safety is undeniable, it can often be met with scepticism, or worse, complacency. Creating a culture of ‘zero harm’ starts with everyone playing the role of a Leader when it comes to Health and Safety; requiring a change in perceptions and attitudes towards Health and Safety in the process.

Tack TMI’s approach to Behavioural Based Safety looks at safety through the lens of human behaviour, rather than processes or technical solutions. We reframe Health and Safety rules by first building a Safety mind-set and embedding this throughout the organisation – starting with Senior Leadership. Our solutions disrupt conventional thinking and embed a deep-rooted personal connection with Health and Safety. Whether it be experiencing the impact of Health & Safety transgressions first hand or hearing personal stories of those affected, Leaders’ perspective on the importance of Health and Safety is forever altered.

Key Outcomes

  • Reframing Health and Safety
  • Doing the right thing – looking at “should I” rather than “can I”
  • Focus on ramifications as well as Health & Safety processes themselves
  • Challenge common misconceptions “it couldn’t happen to me”
  • Move from a theoretical to personal approach
  • Create the business case: zero harm means higher productivity and everyone goes home safely
  • Knowing small health and safety transgressions are as important as ‘large’ ones
  • Build the right safety mind-set
  • Build interdependence: from looking after yourself to looking after others
  • Driving the right behaviours


Helping them to shape their Health and Safety culture and driving it as a priority in their organisation. Role-modelling the right mindset and motivating their organisation to act, through authentic, meaningful and inspiring communication.


Developing their confidence and ability to identify, assess and manage risks associated with the jobs they are responsible for. Supporting and driving improvement and helping them to efficiently communicate, guide and influence their employees.

Health & Safety Team

Supporting their efforts in prompt interpretation of legislation, providing advice on implications and appropriate measures. Coaching teams to increase their knowledge and understanding and assuring compliance through inspections and audits.


Stressing the importance of reporting unsafe acts and/or conditions, recognising and rewarding exceptional Health & Safety performance and continuous Health & Safety education.

Our Approach

  • Learn and implement tools and skills that improve employees’ level of commitment towards Health & Safety
  • Develop and implement a model of behaviours with specific actions for each level of Leadership in your organisation
  • Sharing experiences/best practice in Health Security attitudes
  • Deploying a methodology and structured training/development programme
  • Defining and communicating your Health & Safety Culture


Created a programme to encourage greater ownership for safety and health by all leaders – enabling them to become role models for others through their commitment, actions and behaviours.
“Leadership is the single most important determinant of S&H performance and in our organisation the investment in training for leadership is bringing significant results. Tack TMI has been a great partner in this journey, helping us with Leader Training of over 4,000 people in the last few years” – Group Safety and Health Manager


Designed and delivered ‘thinkSAFE’ message and subsequent programme to over 9,500 employees in 18 countries across the globe. The company continues to experience increased employee engagement, performance and productivity as a result of the initiative.

  • 30% reduction in the lost time frequency rate
  • 36% improvement in working time lost
+44 (0) 1923 545 553